The Academy for Character Education
ACE develops and enhances strong character by working collaboratively with families, utilizing an integrated classical curriculum, and personalizing education to challenge students academically.
Healthy and Safe Schools Reports
ACE complies with the Oregon Department of Education’s Healthy and Safe Schools program (HASS). The HASS program “provides continued assurance that districts are addressing the environmental hazards of radon, lead in water, lead in paint, and asbestos. The HASS plan also requires public availability of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plans so that the public can stay informed regarding policies about use of pesticides, herbicides and other pest management practices. The HASS Program also aligns with federal requirements to ensure that districts are properly managing their asbestos and any potential lead paint. The HASS Program ensures that communities are aware of how districts are ensuring healthy and safe learning environments for their students.”
Below is a list of documents that ACE provides as yearly reports provided for your information. If you would like a physical copy of these reports please contact the school office and we will provide that for you.